hiii! i'm siobhan :3
i'm a self-taught systems developer who's obsessed a very normal amount with game console history. i've written emulators, operating systems and their kernels, compilers, virtual machines, so on so forth. you name it, i've probably made a half-baked toy implementation at the very least. i'm not very good at using my github, but i'm trying reeeaaaallllyyyy hard with my current project. i promise.
my other, less development specific hobbies include making clothes for myself and friends (and other similar crafts, crochet, leatherwork, so on), reading, playing awesome video games, ripping sound chips out of old, dead game consoles, and going for really long walks way later than is safe to do so.
i'm also in school! i go to sfu, studying linguistics at the moment. i just love language so much!!!!!!!! maybe i'll take the lsat once i finish. who knows?
want to know more, or otherwise get in touch? hit the back button in the top left and go find my socials and email!!